About Studio Oak
Allow us to introduce Iris, the lady behind Studio Oak. She sends her blessings to all newlyweds, “Marriage is a new beginning of life, hopefully through my lens, every pair of newlyweds will stay together.” The name Studio Oak tells us a lot about the photographer. She is someone who has dedication and an eye for details. To Iris, Oak is a type of wood that is essential for brewing fine wine. And each type of oak can only be loyal to a particular wine. So that is how Studio Oak came about.One adjective to describe her would be “Courageous”, because she decided to give up her job from being a visual merchandiser, then a florist, and thus decided to venture into an unknown field, becoming a full-time photographer.
橡木桶與葡萄酒的忠誠猶如婚姻——經過歲月才昇華出恆久的愛。這是攝影師Iris對愛情的信念,也是Studio Oak的象徵意義。曾任職視覺陳列師及花藝師,婚禮攝影之於Iris眼中不單是紀錄,也是交流及同行的過程。她除了聆聽小倆口的故事,還會運用花藝技巧為新娘子設計花球。這種種交流讓她能觀察倆口子的性格,並以自然及紀實的風格呈現二人的時刻。